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Welcome To Elizabeth Townes HOA Community Website
Bryant Farms Road, Charlotte, NC 28277 We are a 183 unit townhouse community that is conveniently located 1 mile from the Stonecrest and Blakeney Shopping Centers, 5 minute walk to Morrison YMCA and 3 miles from Ballantyne Corporate Park. We are slotted for Hawk Ridge Elementary School, Community House Middle School and Ardrey Kell High School. Our community has a private community pool and prides itself on being a clean, quiet and enjoyable place to live. Last updated 02/09/2016. *( updated )* |
Your 2016 HOA Board Members are:
Management Company:
CAMS(Community Association Management Services |
Community Tidbits...
What's Happening in Elizabeth Townes:
Sincerely, Elizabeth Townes Board of Directors “ ETHOA is a wonderful community and the Board is happy to serve!" |
Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&R) All homeowners, please take time to read. The CC&R document is available for viewing/download from this page. Landscaping is currently contracted to Ruppert Landscaping and their crew is here on Tuedays. If there are any questions/concerns regarding landscaping, please contact Community Association Management Services. Community pets must be on leashes at all times. We also ask that you be respectful of your fellow neighbors and pick up after your pets, especially in community common areas. Lift Station: The second lift station pumps has been installed. Both pumps are working perfectly. It is important for residents to abide by the rules regarding what can be placed in the sewer system. Please take time to read the file. Street safety is important to us all. Please be mindful of all community STOP signs and keep your speed at 15 mph...it helps keep our streets walker friendly. Message from our Attorney, Harmony Taylor of Hedrick, Gardner, Kinchelor, & Carofalo LLP: When Elizabeth Townes was formed, it was promised that the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (Declaration) would be created for the purpose of continual value and attractiveness of the entire community. The Board of Directors will continue to enforce and take necessary action to remedy violations in order to protect the homeowners and the community. The Board asks all homeowners for their continued support to uphold the Declaration so that they can continue to protect the rights and property values of the community moving forward. | Parking Rules
New parking rules from the 2011 HOA Board of Directors. Please contact the board at any time (via Community Association Management Services) with your comments or concerns regarding parking rules. Parking is open at the present. Residents must remember that each board can determine parking needs and set rules for the common area. A new board is chosen every year and therefore parking rules can be changed every year. You are always guaranteed parking in your garage and driveway. Curb parking is only allowed for loading and unloading or for work vehicles that must park close to a unit and cannot park in the driveway. Parking is now allowed at the end of Elizabeth Townes Lane and at the end of Timothy Court.. Garbage pick-up is Thursday morning(except for holidays). Please have your can/recyclables placed curb-side on or after 6:00 pm Wednesday evening. Return your trash can to your garage or behind your unit by Thursday evening. Please refer to K&S website for holiday pickup days: www.kssanitation.com/default.htmlr.com The Community pool is for current homeowners use and accompanied guests only. We allow no glass at the pool and children under the age of 12 must be accompanied by an adult. Please be respectful of noise while at the pool . Pool hours are Sunday through Thursday 9:00 am to 9:00 pm , Friday and Saturday 9:00 am to 10:00 pm . Please note: NO GLASS permitted at the pool. If you see residents or guests with glass please feel free to inform them of the rule. |
Property of Elizabeth Townes HOA. All rights reserved 2009.